
MIDI-GPT is a MIDI-GPT Fork Repl37 that uses GPT-3.5-turbo and few-shot prompting to generate MIDI files from natural language. It features a calculate() function that uses NumPy to output the mean, variance, standard deviation, max, min, and sum of the rows, columns, and elements in a 3x3 matrix. It also includes a for loop creative project that displays all the numbers from 1-100 except for one number, with the user needing to input the missing number in order to exit the loop. The MIDI export titling has been changed so that the MIDI filename is now set to track_name.

  • アクセス : <5K
  • 収集時間:2023-02-15
  • 国:United States
  • 価格設定モデル: Free

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Revocalize AI

アクセス 81.01K 価格設定モデル

WarpSound AI Music API

アクセス 19.50K 価格設定モデル Free


アクセス 0 価格設定モデル